Do you have questions about what to expect when your dog stays at

Blues Creek Boarding?

Check out our frequently asked questions below:

  • All puppies must be up to date on their puppy vaccines. All adults must be up to date on Rabies/Distemper/Lepto/Parvo/Bordetella. Any dog not spayed/neutered by the age of 6m will be assigned as family only or solo turnout if displaying dominant behaviors. All intact females cannot be actively in heat or showing signs of going into heat.

  • All dogs should arrive on a leash or slip lead. Please pack enough food for their entire stay. We do recommend packing an extra meal or two in case you are delayed in picking up. Meals should be in individual bags or a container with clear instructions. If you dog takes any medication pack that along with the material they take it with, cheese, peanut butter, etc. There is no need to pack bowls, blankets, beds, or toys from home. Our staff will place beds, blankets, and toys in your dogs kennel based on size, age, and chewing habits.

  • 7a: First potty breaks occur. As dogs come inside from going potty they are fed breakfast.

    730a-11a: Outdoor play rotation every 30-45min

    1030a-12p: Enrichment activities, exit baths, sniffaris, nail trims, lunches, road trip to daycare.

    Outdoor potty rotation continues for those not participating in additional boarding services.

    12p-1p: More outdoor play!!

    1p: Nap time

    5/530p: Dogs who went to daycare return

    530p: First potty breaks occur. As dogs come inside from going potty they are fed dinner.

    6p-830p: Outdoor play rotation every 30-45min

    630-7p: Enrichment activities, exit baths, sniffaris, nail trims

    Outdoor potty rotation continues for those not participating in additional boarding services.

    830p: Bedtime snackies & lights out

  • Absolutely! You can add those services when you make your reservation. edit your existing reservation or let staff know at drop off. All baths are given the shift prior to your dog leaving. If you plan on picking up early, please let staff know via Paw Partner to ensure your dog gets their bath prior to their early pickup.

  • Yes! Your dog can be groomed during their stay. We are able to transport them from boarding to Parkside Pups for their spa day. We recommend scheduling their groom at the same time you schedule boarding to ensure your dog gets on the groom schedule. Our grooms are Tuesday-Friday and every other Saturday. While we recommend getting your dog groomed on their last day of their stay we understand schedules do not always align. Please speak with our staff prior to drop off to see if we are able to accommodate your dog on a different day than what the system has told you is available.

Dog Boarding