Do you have questions about what to expect when you take your dog to

Parkside Pups?

Check out our frequently asked questions below:

  • All puppies must be up to date on their puppy vaccines. All adults must be up to date on Rabies/Distemper/Lepto/Parvo/Bordetella. All dogs must be spayed/neutered by the age of 6m.

  • Our half day includes up to 4 hours of play while a full day is anything over 4 hours of play.

  • All dogs should arrive on a leash or slip lead. If your dog eats lunch please bring that in a small container or ziplock baggie labeled with their name. There is no need to pack anything else.

  • Answer coming soon!

  • At Parkside Pups, we strive to create a safe environment for dogs in our care. We understand that not every dog gets along with others and that each dog has a different personality. Our highly trained staff members know how to interpret body language in order to step in prior to an altercation occurring. If an altercation does occur, dogs are immediately separated, all dogs involved are assessed nose to tail for wounds, parents are notified following the altercation and a plan is established to setup the dogs involved for success during their next visit. We understand that sometimes dogs have a bad day or need a longer rest period during the day.

  • Please understand that a daycare environment is much different than being at home and can take time to get used to. Our staff will discuss options with you to set your dog up for success in the future. That could be coming back on a quieter day, working on small group socialization, or other types of training. Our staff will create a plan with you before your dog walks out the door!

Dog Daycare